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Volume 1
Journal of Blood Disorders and Treatment
World Hematology 2018
October 22-23, 2018
October 22-23, 2018 Warsaw, Poland
Hematology and Oncology Congress
J Blood Disord Treat 2018, Volume 1
Spectrum of bone marrow changes in patients of chronic kidney disease
Rabbia Khalid
and Brig Saqib Qayyum Ahmad
Rawalpindi Medical University, Pakistan
National University of Medical Sciences, Pakistan
Statement of the Problem:
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a health problem present worldwide. CKD is a collective term
covering a number of primary disease processes resulting in structural or functional kidney abnormalities or both persisting for at
least 3 months. It is related with premature mortality and decreased quality of life. Untreated cases can end up in End Stage Renal
Disease (ESRD) finally necessitating dialysis. In Pakistan more than 21 million people are affected by this disease. Almost every
patient of advanced CKD suffers from some degree of hematological abnormalities. The purpose of this study is to analyze various
hematological manifestations of advanced stage CKD in peripheral blood and Bone Marrow (BM) of the patients, referred to us from
the nephrology unit of our tertiary care medical set up.
Patients of both genders and all age groups with CKD stage III, IV and V were included in this study. Patient’s histories were
recorded. Complete blood counts, bone marrow aspiration and trephine biopsies were done and evaluated microscopically. Mean
blood counts of the patients in three groups of CKD were compared. Frequencies of various bone marrow findings in CKD patients
were calculated.
Out of 57 patients, 41 (71.9%) were males while 16 (28%) were females. Mean age was 60 years. There was no statistically
significant difference between the mean hemoglobin, mean white cell count and mean platelet count of the patients in three groups of
CKD. Reactive changes due to underlying CKD and inflammation were the most frequent finding in the BM of the patients.
Anemia of mild to moderate severity and reactive changes in the BM are the most frequent hematological findings
encountered in patients suffering from advanced stage CKD. Since CKD is predominantly a disease of the elderly so it is not rare to
find the co-morbidities including plasmacytosis, malignancies and their effects on the BM in the patients of CKD.
We should focus our attention on primary prevention of anemia by strictly adhering to the treatment guidelines,
adapting healthy life styles and dietary modifications as early recognition can slow the progression of the disease to ESRD. Public
awareness is very essential to halt the advancement of disease.