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Volume 04
Current Research: Integrative Medicine
Curr Res Integr Med, Volume 04, ISSN: 2529-797X
December 02-03, 2019 | Dubai, UAE
CAM Therapies 2019
December 02-03, 2019
World Congress on
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
A non-dogmatic approach to chiropractic (A paradigm shift)
Mark J Styers
Director of the American Institute of Chiropractic, Germany
The Chiropractic profession has gone through ups and downs since its inception in 1895. The Divide in our profession has become much
more visible globally since the increase in social media and our interconnectedness around the world.
What are the solutions to moving the profession forward into the future? I cannot say I have the answers to this problem. What I do have
is a series of questions that each Doctor of Chiropractic could ask of themselves!
Below I am going to list a series of questions (each of which should include a healthy discussion)?
What if every Doctor looked at the body from a purelyAnatomical/Physiological approach without any Dogma?
What is Neuro-Patho-Physiologically normal?
Where is the patient at? (Specifically, what are the deviations from Neuro-Patho-Physiological Normal?)
How do we get them from where they are at, to Neuro-Patho- Physiologically normal?
Should we care how this is achieved?
Should Dogma play a role in the care of human beings? Should it matter about a belief system?
What if, the only focus with patients was outcome?
There are many ways, different techniques, methodologies!
Which ones should you choose?
Is it possible to legislate Validity? What if you earned Validity through success with patients?
How different would the state of our profession be if everyone was focused on just helping the patients get “Healthier”?
How do we define “Health”? Health, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), is "a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” Meaning that symptoms and disease do NOT define “Health”!
What would happen if Medical Doctors understood how powerful Chiropractic truly is?
When people have a “health scare”, where do they run to?
What would happen in your community, if those primary care providers, who see the most people, were truly understanding what you
have to offer?
What are your plans this year, to improve you?
If Chiropractic is so important to human life, why is it not offered in Hospitals?
This is a common question that most patients wonder, but few ask us. With the average person thinking, the greatest Science has to offer
is within the halls of Medicine!
What if your practice was able to fully co-manage patients with local Medical facilities? We don´t do what they do, they don´t do what
we do! Why has there been such a separation?
Would you be OKwith being considered a “Health Expert” from your Community?Would that be different than what you are considered
Who would you most want to have you on their referral list?
The most dangerous phrase in the English language is: “we have always done it this way”!
This is a list of questions I would like to present and talk about with a group of Chiropractors and Chiropractic Students. I welcome
questions or feedback!.