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Volume 2

Journal of Molecular Cancer

Cancer & Primary Healthcare 2019

May 20-21, 2019

Cancer Research & Oncology

Primary Healthcare and Medicare Summit

May 20-21, 2019 | Rome, Italy



Global Meet on

World Congress on


Adherent Placenta, sonographic overview

Shady Saleem

President at ASFMS, Egypt


dherent placenta includes placenta increta, placenta excreta, and placenta accrete. Maternal morbidity

and mortality can occur because of severe and sometimes life-threatening haemorrhage, which often

requires blood transfusion. Although ultrasound evaluation is important, the absence of ultrasound findings

does not preclude a diagnosis of adherent placenta; thus, clinical risk factors remain equally important as

predictors of placenta accrete spectrum by ultrasound findings. There are several risk factors for placenta

accrete spectrum. The most common is a previous caesarean delivery, with the incidence of placenta accrete

spectrum increasing with the number of prior caesarean deliveries. Antenatal diagnosis of adherent placenta

is highly desirable because outcomes are optimized when delivery occurs at a well-prepared hospital before

the onset of delivery. So, it is very important to diagnose it before delivery. Ultrasound is a primary method for

diagnose it. There are many ultrasound signs which can used to diagnose it as placental lacunea, absence of

retroplacental space, thin myometrium less than 1mm and bulging of placenta inside the bladder.


Dr. Shady Saleem is currently working as President of Arabic Society of Fetal Medicine and Surgery. Fellowship of Fetal Medicine from

Iean Donald University. Research fellow of Fetal Medicine at Fetal Medicine Unit, Cairo University from 2011 tell now. His academic

background includes Consultant of Obs. & Gyn. at Ministry of Health Hospitals, Lecturer at many international Universities. He

Participated and organized many ultrasound and fetal medicine courses as a trainer at Egyptian medical syndicate and Fetal Medicine

Unit, Cairo University, Iraq ministry of health, Suadia ministry of health and Moritanea Ministry of health. Instructor for many courses at

Arabic Society of Fetal Medicine and Surgery as Fetal abnormalities course, 3D and 4D in Obs. & Gyn. course, Fetal Echocardiography

course and IVF course.

J Mol Cancer, Volume 2