November 16
Hall-Majestic I
Opening Ceremony @ 10:00-10:25
Keynote Forum
Title: Molecular actions of heme, an important molecule impacting fungal virulence
and drug resistance
Li Zhang,
The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Title: Fungal prions, stress and cellular memory
Yury Chernoff,
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Panel Discussion
Coffee Break 11:45-12:00
Title: Electrochemical biosensors for rapid diagnosis of fungal infections in agriculture
Ramaraja Ramasamy,
The University of Georgia, USA
Title: Complexes of potentially pathogenic microscopic fungi in anthropogenic polluted soils
Maria Korneykova,
INEP KSC, Russia
Panel Discussion
Lunch Break 13:20-14:20
Session I: Fungal Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Mycology | Fungal Diseases: Detection,
Diagnosis and Preventions | Fungal Diversity and Ecology
Session Chair: Yury Chernoff,
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Session Co-chair: Li Zhang,
The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Session Introduction
Title: Genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and biochemistry of white-rot basidiomycete
Trametes hirsuta
Andrey R. Pavlov,
Fidelity Systems, Inc., USA
Title:High-throughput screening to identify regulators of meiosis-specific gene expression
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Yona Kassir,
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Title: Prion-like properties of a yeast G protein receptor involved in regulation of mating
Tatiana Chernova,
Emory University, USA
Pannel Discussion @ 16:05-16:15
Coffee Break 16:15-16:30
Posters Session and Networking
Poster Judge: Li Zhang,
The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
P 01
Title: Variation of anti-fungal saponin concentration in
Apostichopus japonicus
Akira Yano,
Iwate Biotechnology Research Center, Japan
P 02
Title: Yeast assay for amyloid aggregation in proteopathies
Zachery Deckner and Pavithra Chandramowlishwaran,
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
P 03
Title: Physiological regulation of heritable protein aggregation
Rebecca Howie,
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
P 04
Title: Aggregate formation by prionogenic proteins in yeast
Anastasiya Grizel,
St. Petersburg State University, Russia
P 05
Title: Short-length DNA marker for the determination of malayan box turtle (
) materials in food chain and traditional chinese medicines
University of Malaya, Malaysia