Fungal Infections 2017
November 17
Hall-Majestic I
Keynote Forum
Title: Methods for characterizing fungal communities in the human microbiome
Kyle Bittinger,
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, USA
Title: Candida-associated gastric ulcer until yesterday, today, and from tomorrow
Kenji Sasaki,
Midtown Medicare Clinic, Japan
Panel Discussion
Coffee Break 11:20-11:40
Session: Medical and Clinical Mycology | Fungal Infectious Diseases | Current Trends, Innovations and
Future Prospects in Mycology | Fungal Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Mycology
Session Chair: Li Zhang,
The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Session Co-chair: Kyle Bittinger,
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, USA
Session Introduction
Title: A comparative study on the growth of
species on formulated culture media
from food crop wastes and sabouraud dextrose agar
Janet Uchechukwu Itelima,
University of Jos, Nigeria
Title: Genome shuffling of mangrove endophytic
Aspergillus luchuensis
MERV10 for
improving the cholesterol-lowering agent lovastatin under solid state fermentation
Hind AlZahrani,
KAU University, Saudi Arabia
Young Researchers Forum
YRF Judge: Li Zhang,
The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
YRF Judge: Kyle Bittinger,
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, USA
Title: Heme promotes transcriptional and demethylase activities of Gis1, a member of the
histonendemethylase JMJD2/KDM4 family
Tianyuan Wang,
The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Panel Discussion
Lunch Break 13:20-14:20
Title: The hnRNP-like yeast termination factor Nab3 can employ heterologous low
complexity domains in place of its essential low complexity domain
Travis Loya,
Emory University, USA
Title: Characterizing protein interactions promoting heme regulation of the JMJC
domaincontaining protein Gis1 in yeast
Purna Chaitanya Konduri,
The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Title: Bioremediation potential of fungi isolated from uranium mine in Brazil
Ednei Coelho,
University of São Paulo, Brazil
Panel Discussion @ 15:50-16:00
Coffee Break 16:00-16:20
Awards and Closing Ceremony