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Microbiol Biotechnol Rep | Volume 1, Issue 2
November 16-17, 2017 Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Annual Congress on
Mycology and Fungal Infections
Detection and diagnosis of wood decay fungi in wooden heritage using different image
Alfieri, Paula Vanesa
Correa M Veronica
LEMIT, Argentina
his study was based on the current deteriorated status of wood slats from locomotive turntable of Provincial
Railway Station La Plata. Wood specie of the slats was determined by conventional methods being
. while fungal species was determined morphological being
Phellinus chaquensis
(white-rot fungus).
Determination of the fungus and its
cultural features were based on Iaconis and Wright and Robledo
and Urcelay. Fungal degradation wants be measured by non-destructive methods: area occupied by mycelium
and basidiomata were observed by x-ray radiography and computer tomography (CT) and quantified by image
analysis with Image J software. Greyscales of the images obtain indicated density changes, being black scale the
less dense and white scale the densest. To establish the microstructural wood deterioration (cell wall), scanning
electron and optical microscopy (SEM and OM) images were analyzed. It was concluded that deterioration
analysis by images is a non-destructive alternative methodology, which allows to measure structural condition
of material. This is essential in heritage conservation because it allows defining correctly the deteriorated status
useful to planning a conservation strategy, avoiding the asset loss.