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Mental Health 2019
Day 1: November 13, 2019
Mental Health | Children Psychology | Psychological Resilience | Mental Illness | Schizophrenia
| Autism
Session Introduction
Caregiver burden in families of people With mental illness linked to the day hospital
program of a tertiary institution in the city of Cali (Colombia)
Lenis Judith Salazar Torres
, University of Valle, Colombia
Predicting depression from quality of life in school, automatic negative thoughts and anger
management of upper–secondary school students
Somchai Teaukul
, Saint Louis College, Thailand
Predicting depression from quality of life in school, automatic negative thoughts and anger
management of upper–secondary school students in Bangkok area
Rassarin Raveephattanatangsi
, Chitralada School, Thailand
Mental health benefits of fish consumption
Abdul Hei
, Lilong Haoreibi College, India
Relationship between insight and cognitive dysfunction among patients with schizophrenia
Shikha Goel
, Government medical college and hospital, India
The relationship between the level of readiness for forgiveness and mental health
Vasilieva Olga Semenovna
, Southern Federal University, Russian Federation
Session Chair
Marianne B M van den Bree
Cardiff University, UK
Session Co-Chair
Pat Mungroo
University of East London, UK