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Volume 03
Journal of Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Science
Mental Health 2019
November 13-14, 2019
November 13-14, 2019 | London, UK
Clin Psychol Cog Sci, Volume 03
Predicting depression from quality of life in school, automatic negative thoughts and
anger management of upper–secondary school students in Bangkok area
Rassarin Raveephattanatangsi
Chitralada School, Thailand
he purpose of this correlational research was to find the predictive ability of quality of life in school, automatic negative
thought, and anger management on depression of adolescence in the upper-secondary school students in Bangkok area
under the management of the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC) in the Bangkok area 1 in the academic year of
2017. Four hundred subjects were obtained by stratified random sampling method. Data collection was done using 1) personal
information, 2) the quality of life in school inquiry, 3) the Children’s Automatic Thoughts Scale, 4) the anger management
inquiry, and 5) Health-Related Self Report (HRSR) -The Diagnostic Screening Test for Depression in Thai Population. Data
was analyzed in terms of percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression-forward.
It was found that there were two independent variables which co-predicted the changes of depression score by 32.3 percent at
p< .05 level. The most powerful predictor was the automatic negative thoughts and the second one was the anger management-
‘anger control out’. The quality of life in school and the anger management- ‘anger control in’ were rejected from the equation.
Rassarin Raveephattanarangsi has completed her education in Saint Louis College. She is currently working in Chitralada School,