Volume 2
Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Reports
Microbial Biotechnology 2018
September 17-18, 2018
Page 15
Microbial Biotechnology & Vaccine Design
September 17-18, 2018 Lisbon, Portugal
World Congress on
Bacterial drug resistance: Where do we stand?
Despite advancements in hygiene and technology one of the major challenges faced by health care sector is to prevent,
identify and treat multidrug resistant infections with reference to hospital acquired infections. Among all types of nosocomial
infections the major threat is the silent spread of colonizing multidrug resistant pathogens from patient to patient via various
sources. Pathogens associated with nosocomial infections are either of endogenous or exogenous in sources. They come in to
hospital circulation post-surgery, chemotherapy or other such medical intervention. Regional genetic study based on resistance
mechanism is very important to understand multidrug resistance pattern of prevailing organisms. Further these kinds of
information helps to understand how acquisition of genes mediating resistance against different classes of antibiotics along
with the resistance to bacteriotoxic environmental conditions such as exposition towards heavy metals or disinfectants can be
studied. Our study focuses on surveillance of multidrug resistant strains from the members of the group Enterobacteriaceae
(ESBL-E) which has affected healthcare and community settings adversely.
Dilip N Zaveri has more than 30 years of experience as Clinical Microbiologist. Along with that he has been involved in research and development with various national and
international NGOs. He has completed more than 19 research projects (Base line biological surveys/conducted all over India and abroad), training, teaching, publications,
presentations etc. in various capacities. He has not only established Biocare Research (I) Pvt. Ltd., but he is also associated with it since inceptions from 1992 to till date
as its Director and Chairman of Biocare Group.
drdilip.n.zaveri@gmail.comDilip N Zaveri
Biocare Research Ltd, India
Dilip N Zaveri, J Microbio and Biotech Rept 2018, Volume 2