Midwifery and Gynaecology 2019
December 04-05, 2019
Page 20
Midwifery nursing and Gynaecology
December 04-05, 2019 | Dubai, UAE
Annual Congress on
J Nurs Res Pract, Volume 3 |
ISSN: 2632-251X
Volume 3
Journal of Nursing Research and Practice
Rodrigo Aybar
Centro Medico Nacional, Panama
Physiological and healthy approach in childbirth care
abor, childbirth and newborn care in a natural and minimal intervention gives undeniable benefits
for the mother and her newborn in relationships with a successful vaginal birth and perinatal results.
The easier and faster mothers recovery, the physiological transition of the newborn to his extra uterine
life, the successfully breastfeeding as well as mothers empowerment and a high satisfaction level in she
and her couple.
The utility in using a tub with warm water is significant in relationships with a strong painful sensation
relieve, an easier and faster cervix dilatation and presentation descent, as well us, a significant less
vaginal and perineum tears rate and adverse results of the medicament interference.
The delayed umbilical cord cut, after its finish beats and a strong respect with the first sacred two hours
of the mother-child skin to skin contact bond, assure us a successfully transition phase in the mother
and her newborn. The baby has a transition with less stress, better temperature and metabolic regulation
thanks the crucial roll of the of the umbilical cord blood circulation. It is a gentle newborn transition.
In addition the placental blood emptying reduce its volume and produces a gentle and secure placental
expulsion without the necessity to do external or vaginal maneuvering.
We have been giving this approach during the last 10 years in Panama, using Water/Home births, in
low risk pregnant women with a very significant positive result with a low obstetrical intervention rate.
RodrigoAybar Ob/Gyn from Panamá, has a huge expertise attending more than 10000 births in the Social Security Hospital, home and water
birth in his country and with his wife, also Ob/Gyn are pioneers in this field. He is known in his passion and dedication in improving perinatal
and delivery care in his country. He participates teaching residents Ob/Gyn and teaching a new approach in Perinatal and Delivery care
centered in a deep respect of women and child rights.