Midwifery and Gynaecology 2019
December 04-05, 2019
Page 18
Midwifery nursing and Gynaecology
December 04-05, 2019 | Dubai, UAE
Annual Congress on
J Nurs Res Pract, Volume 3 |
ISSN: 2632-251X
Volume 3
Journal of Nursing Research and Practice
Shakuntala Chhabra
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Women’s health: A global challenge
omen suffer throughout their lives because of biological functions and related disorders and
gender inequalities in society. In some parts of globe female gamete is eliminated preconception.
Female foeticide, infanticide, neglect in childhood, (nutrition, education or social development) continue.
Adolescence is challenging globally. There are many issues, Congenital defects, genetic disorders,
sexuality, violence, unwanted pregnancy and so on, which affect their health and future life. A lot is
not known and challenges continue. Family Life Education about growth development, prevention of
pregnancy, safe motherhood, breastfeeding, HIV AIDS helps. One to 10% of births are in adolescents,
affect the girls, society at large. Unwanted pregnancy in a adolescent creates many problems for her
future life. Adolescents need social, financial, medical assistance for safe abortion, safe birth with
system for girl’s and baby’s rehabilitation if the need be. Pregnancy, birth related disorders continue to
kill women globally, with long term sequlae too. Major issue seems to be quality of care at all levels.
Maternal mortality, severe morbidity have increased even in affluent America. Increasing c sections
have their immediate, late effects, global concern. World over problem of infertility is increasing,
may be due to lifestyle, environment other reasons. It is women who suffer during attempts at assisted
reproduction and surrogacy in modern era of glittering technology with diagnostics and therapeutics.
Underuse and overuse both continue. Many gynaecological disorders end up in hysterectomy with
its sequale. World over more than 60 lacs hysterectomies annually are avoidable as alternative
modalities are available. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a misnomer affects women’s health in many
ways. Diabetes, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, endometrial cancer, osteoporosis linkages are
being researched. Gynaecological cancers are common, continue to kill women with challenges of
early diagnosis, appropriate management. Cervical cancer is almost preventable but in some regions.
continues to be rampant, kill women. Endometrial cancer is being diagnosed in young women , seems
to be increasing. Globally ovarian cancer is diagnosed late with unknown prognosis. Knowledge and
awareness in women, family, society health system are must to help women have healthy, womanhood.
Consequences of reproductive health dysfunctions affect women during aging. It appears its woman’s
destiny to suffer for being ‘a woman’ There are no magic bullets to remain healthy. There is limitation to
prevention for many of the disorders, they suffer. But vision, concern for fellow human beings-Women,
are imperative. Of 8 MDG s three are not achieved, all of maternal child health. Women, vulnerable
segment of society must have quality life throughout, which needs equity. Extent of disorders with
which they suffer is mammoth and so are challenges around the world.