Volume 3
Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience
Neurology 2019 | Neuropsychology 2019 | Drug Delivery Summit 2019
June 24-25, 2019
Page 11
June 24-25, 2019 | Rome, Italy
Neurology and Healthcare
WorldDrug Delivery and Formulations Summit
Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology
International Conference on
International Conference on
Intentional happiness: 7 paths to lasting happiness
hat is Happiness? Aristotle answered this by saying "Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the
whole aim and end of human existence" Happiness is a choice! It is also attractive, healthy, and being
connected, but it takes effort. That being said, what inhibits our happiness? Several factors have a direct impact
on our level of life satisfaction and fulfillment, including fear (of change, fear of success, and fear of failure),
comparisons, selfishness, the burden of perfectionism, lack of forgiveness (and self-forgiveness), our inner critic,
and toxic relationships.
The book, 7 Paths to Lasting Happiness provides both principles and “take action exercises” for individuals to learn
from. We find that happiness is not a by-product; it is brought about consciously, when we intentionally make
different choices. Thus, the principle of Intentional Happiness can truly make a transformational, lasting change in
our lives.
1st Path: Loving Yourself a) Personal Brand b) Perfectionism c) Inner Critic d) Comparisons
2nd Path: Gratitude a) Attitude of Gratitude b) University of Adversity
3rd Path: Forgiveness a) Forgiveness equals freedom b) Self-forgiveness is the key
4th Path: Follow Your Passion a) Getting out of your comfort zone brings growth
5th Path: Nourish Your Spirit a) Faith vs Fear b) Meditation & Purpose
6th Path: Loving relationships a) Love languages b) Criticisms & Toxic relationships c) Authentic listening
d) Trust
7th Path: Service a) The antidote to selfishness
Elia Gourgouris is the president of The Happiness Center
(www.thehappinesscenter.com)– an organization dedicated to creating per-
sonal success and happiness. Over the last 25-plus years, as a passionate promoter of optimism and deeply meaningful relationships,
he has helped thousands of people achieve happiness and fulfillment, both in their careers and in their personal lives. He is the author
of the #1 Amazon Best-Selling book, 7 Paths to Lasting Happiness. He has also published over 120 articles for various newspapers
and magazines, including the Huffington Post. He is an international Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach, and a Leadership Consultant.
He received his B.A. in Psychology from UCLA and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the California Graduate Institute.
dreliagourgouris@msn.comElia Gourgouris
The Happiness Center, USA
J Neurol Clin Neurosci, Volume 3