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September 02-03, 2019 | Vienna, Austria
International Conference on
Nursing Forum 2019 & Rheumatology 2019
September 02-03, 2019
Journal name: Journal of Nursing Research and Practice
J Nurs Res Pract, Volume 3
Volume 3 | ISSSN: 2632-251X
Eighteen months of walant experience in a Brazilian Military Hospital
Leite, Mauricio
Hospital de Aeronáutica de Recife, Brazil
The use of Walant Technique is increasing worldwide with amazing results. After watching Dr. Lalonde in some meetings we
started to use this revolutionary technique in the Hospital de Aeronáutica de Recife (a Brazilian military hospital). Since January
2018 to June 2019 we performed 53 procedures in 48 patients. We measured pain during injection and during the procedure using
the visual pain analog scale.
We performed a range of 8 different procedures including carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, dupuytren disease, tendon
ruptures, De Quervain’s, metacarpal and falange fractures and in the end of the series two wrist fractures.
Some patients went into regular anesthesia in procedures before this series and were asked to compare satisfaction. All patients
were asked about satisfaction after the procedure.
We observed a high rate of satisfaction of the patients that included, no hospitalization, faster return home, faster rehabilitation
and all patients said they would repeat walant if it were necessary.
Excellent results comparing with the regular anesthesia technique instead of the variable time of follow up.
A parallel gain was reduction of costs with surgical material and anesthesia drugs that were estimated but not measured. It will
be the main subject of another paper.