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Volume 3
Journal of Nursing Research and Practice
Nursing & Immunology 2019
March 11-12, 2019
Neonatology, Pediatric Nursing and Nursing
March 11-12, 2019 London, UK
World Congress on
World Congress on
Identifying environmental and lifestyle antagonists that stifle short-term healthy immune behavior while
eventually reducing appropriate long-term immune function
Steven Osterhout DC
Vitality Healthcare, USA
ultiple inflammatorymechanisms are activatedby today’s lifestyle choices and environmental exposures. Common consequences
include reduced immune function as well as loss of immune tolerance. Environmental exposures to common chemicals like
bisphenol A, parabens, phthalates and other toxicants drive endocrine disruption. These estrogen mimicking compounds support a
physiology of estrogen dominance and contribute to molecular mimicry. Constant daily exposure not only stifles immune function
it also opens the door to inflammatory dysregulation and autoimmune behaviour. Increased inflammatory responses combined
with perpetual feedback inflammatory cycles creates short term acute symptoms while manifesting under-recognized associated
chronic degenerative disease expression. These inflammatory daily exposures provide an underlying contribution to gastrointestinal
dysfunction called hyper-permeable bowel and neurological permeability. While governmental chemical regulation is sluggish
in response to these common toxicants, modifying personal exposure and limiting bioaccumulation will decrease potential of
autoimmune activation. Observation, modification, and appropriate choices of lifestyle exposures may present a powerful tool in
quieting inflammatory degenerative processes.
Steven Osterhout DC, CCN is the founder and director of Vitality Healthcare, an integrative medical and natural healing centre catering to identifying the underlying
causes of poor health with remarkable positive patient outcomes. He attained is Pre-Med from Western Michigan University, going on to earn his Doctorate from
Palmer, as well as a postdoctoral Board Certification in Clinical Nutrition. He is a member of the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, Academy of Environmental
Medicine, and the Institute for Functional Medicine. He is the published author of The Diabetic Doctor and has over twenty years of experience traveling the world
investigating the most favourable approaches to accelerate the healing process.
drosterhout@gmail.comSteven Osterhout DC, J Nursing Research and Practice, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2632-251X-C1-002