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Pediatrics & Neonatal Healthcare 2017
http://pediatrics.cmesociety.comSeptember 11-12, 2017 Los Angeles, CA, USA
World Pediatrics &
Neonatal Healthcare Conference
Journal of Pediatric Health Care and Medicine Volume 1, Issue 1
Perinatal depression and associated factors among reproductive aged group women at
Goba and Robe Town of Bale Zone, Oromia region, south east Ethiopia
Tomas Benti Tefera
Madawalabu University, Ethiopia
In sub SaharanAfrica little progress has been made towards achieving theMillenniumDevelopment
Goals. Lack of achievement of MDGs is reflected in only minor changes in maternal mortality and child health,
this is especially true in Ethiopia. Perinatal depression is common in developing countries where one in three
women has a significant mental health problem during pregnancy and after childbirth. Perinatal depression is
associated with inadequate prenatal care and poor maternal weight gain, low infant birth weight, and infant
growth restriction. This study determined the prevalence of perinatal depression and its associated factors among
reproductive age group women at Goba and Robe town of Bale zone, Oromia region, south east Ethiopia. A cross
sectional study with simple random sampling was employed to include 340 eligible subjects. The WHO self-
reporting questionnaire with 20 items with a cut-off point 6 and above was used to separate non-cases/cases of
perinatal depression. Data were collected by trained data collectors. Descriptive analysis was done using SPSS
Version 16. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify independent predictors of perinatal depression
at 95% CI and P value of ≤ 0.05.
Prevalence of perinatal depression was about 107 (31.5%). About 20 (5.9%), 86 (25.3%) were current
smokers and alcohol consumers respectively. Two hundred seventy-seven (71.2%) of the respondents reported
husband support during their pregnancy and after birth and 195 (59.3%) were reported support from the husband’s
family/relatives. Maternal perceived difficulty of child care, family history of mental illness, family visit during
the perinatal period, history of child death and husband smoking status were found as independent predictors of
perinatal depression.
This study found that 1 in 3 women in this region of Ethiopia have depression. Depression screening
is not currently routine care, but should be given due attention due to the high prevalence of depression in these
populations. Public health agencies could organize special training events for health care workers, including
health extension workers on mental health and must provide screening service to strengthen mental health in the
pregnant and postpartum family.