Volume 2
Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Health Research
Psychiatry Nursing & Psychiatry 2019
June 17-18, 2019
Page 15
Psychiatry & Mental health Nursing
Psychiatry and Mental Health
June 17-18, 2019 | Rome, Italy
World Congress on
Global Experts Meeting on
indicators of humility and honesty. First the user is asked to either confirm or deny a statement. This
allows the detection of potentially deceptive responses. The user is asked to repeat, to either concur or
negate the statement.
Ocean H2.0 allows a departure lexical theory questionnaire into more observational psychological
realms through machine learning principle applied through artificial intelligence. This allows for far
more accurate psychometrics, but more importantly more accurate profiling of human psychology; so
that machines can better understand human beings as individuals. What does this mean? Better machine
learning to assist as mentors and accountability buddies to assist in breaking addiction, learning,
performance enhancement and ultimately bridging the gap between what we say and what we do by
learning what makes us.
Aram Cargill is also on the board of directors for Ledsen as well as a non-executive director a Kanga innovations, as CEO of The Adaption
Apex Lab and director of OCEAN H2.0. Having pioneered the adaption of DARE (Deception Analysis Reasoning Engine) for advanced
lexical psychometric testing through mobile phone technology. He act as a keynote speaker and chair for the Annual Congress of Psychiatry
in Paris in 2018. 2019 is set to be a big year with the launch of OCEAN H2.0 machine learning operational psychology within an artificial in-
telligence framework to further advance psychographic information for greater personalisation of the relationship between man and machine.