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Volume 2
Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Health Research
Psychiatry Nursing & Psychiatry 2019
June 17-18, 2019
Psychiatry & Mental health Nursing
Psychiatry and Mental Health
June 17-18, 2019 | Rome, Italy
World Congress on
Global Experts Meeting on
Cyber-psychology: Application of virtual elements in psychology
Daniele Verì
CEO of Neuratek, Italy
ugmented and virtual reality, technologies first presented back in 1962 are taking huge steps forward
in the everyday life right now. Psychology needs to follow the social transformation, renewing its
instruments. This doesn’t mean changing what traditional methods already offer but empowering the ones
we already have. But why is this change needed? Is it just “fancy” or actually truly an augmentation of the
field? Analyzing many of the recent researches about the psychology-digital paradigm, a new potential for
technology implementation it’s seeable, as the results show efficacy and consistency in the usage of digital
instruments in classical psychology treatments. Supporting the digital transformation, the gamification,
brings the therapy further closer to the patients. Gamification helps the therapist to engage its patient in a
more effective method, raising the therapies success rate. In conclusion augmented and virtual reality have
the potential to support personal and clinical change. The way those technologies affect the human perception
is drastically relevant in the development of new therapies.The digital transformation does not only affect
clinical psychology, but can be also involved in positive psychology, augmenting not clinical subjects,
bringing new levels of potential wellbeing.
J Psych and Mental Health Research, Volume 2