Page 45
Volume 2
July 24-25, 2019 | Rome, Italy
World Hematology 2019 & Nursing Care 2019
July 24-25, 2019
Journal of Blood Disorders and Treatment
J Blood Disord Treat, Volume 2
Knowledge on non – pharmacological methods of pain management among nurses at
Bindura hospital, Zimbabwe
Gwisai Reginald Dennis
Bindura University of Science Education, Zimbabwe
his study is a quantitative descriptive study, whichwas conductedwith an aim to assess the knowledge on non – pharmacological
methods of pain management among registered general nurses at Bindura Hospital. This is because most nurses focus more
on pharmacological pain management than non – pharmacological therapies which are given less attention or accord. This study
used a descriptive study design, which is a non – experimental research design so as to obtain information about registered nurses’
knowledge on non – pharmacological pain management. A convenience sampling technique was utilised to select a sample of
seventy – five participants. Data were collected by the researcher who distributed self – administered questionnaires to available
registered nurses after obtaining informed consent at Bindura Provincial Hospital. The mean knowledge score for this study was
48.6% and was below a pass mark of 50%, and far below 80% which is the minimal acceptable level of knowledge on the Nurses
Knowledge and Attitude Scale. Aminimum knowledge score of 16% was obtained from participants showing lack of knowledge
on indications of non – pharmacological pain therapies and a maximum knowledge score of 97.3% was shown on knowledge
on non – pharmacological techniques. The following conclusion was drawn from the research findings; the study showed that
the nurses have poor knowledge regarding non – pharmacological pain management as indicated by mean knowledge score of
48.6%. The researcher therefore recommends that the nursing practice should take an initiative in ensuring that all practicing
nurses practice the highest possible pain management nursing care, and that opportunities should be made available for nurses to
be educated in effective pain management utilising non – pharmacological therapies.