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Volume 2

Journal of Molecular Cancer

Breast Cancer & Vascular Conference 2019

February 25-26, 2019

February 25-26, 2019 London, UK

Joint event on

World Congress on

Breast Cancer

Vascular Biology & Surgeons Meeting



International Conference on


Ablation of an accessory pathway in the median cardiac vein resulting in acute occlusion of the posterior

ventricular branch of the right coronary artery: A case report

Rafael Thiesen Magliari

University of Santo Amaro, Brazil



Post-septal accessory pathways account for 34.5% of the total. Of these, 36% are located within the coronary sinus

(CS). Its ablation requires technical alternatives to avoid damage to surrounding tissues, especially branches of the right coronary


Case report:

A 22-year-old man was admitted for ablation of an accessory left septal-septal accessory pathway (PSE) (Figure 1).

There was a prior attempt of ablation within the SC in another service, resulting in transient loss of pre-excitation. As suggested

by the previous study, we started by mapping the SC region with a non-irrigated bidirectional catheter and a premask of 25 MS

(Magister Scientiae) was found in the region of the median cardiac vein (VCM) (Figure 2, panel A). Radiofrequency (RF) was

administered within this vessel (duration of 60 s, energy of 30 W and temperature of 55 ° C) with loss of pre-excitation after 5

seconds of application. Immediately after, the patient presented chest pain without hemodynamic instability. The electrocardiogram

revealed non-pre-excited sinus rhythm and ST segment elevation of 1 mm in the inferior leads (Figure 3). Coronary angiography

showed occlusion of the middle third of the posterior ventricular branch (PV) of the right coronary artery, with no signs of thrombus

or dissection (Figure 4). Balloon angioplasty was performed, with immediate angiographic success and pre-excitation recurrence

soon after. There was recurrence of severe chest pain 10 minutes after balloon, and there was reclusion of PV. Aortic angioplasty was

performed with a metal stent, followed by TIMI III distal flow. Retrograde aortic mapping was performed, and a precocity of 20 MS

was found in the PSE region (Figure 2, panel B); the RF was applied (duration of 60 s, energy of 30W and temperature of 55 ° C),

followed by loss of pre-excitation after 1.5 seconds of application. The patient remained stable and asymptomatic for 3 days, without

recurrence of pain and pre-excitation.

Discussion and Conclusion:

Ablation within accessory pathways within SC is doable but must be performed with care. Arterial and

venous angiography is not routine in many services, but contraindicates ablation if the distance between vessels is less than 2 mm.

When indicated, the RF should have low energy (20 to 30 W) and irrigated catheter if temperature or impedance limits its application.

A R> S in V1 may be indicative of success by left endocardial technique.

J Molecular Cancer

Volume 2