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Volume 2
Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Reports
Microbial Biotechnology 2018
September 17-18, 2018
Microbial Biotechnology & Vaccine Design
September 17-18, 2018 Lisbon, Portugal
World Congress on
Transposon insertion sequencing identified a novel horizontal transfer nucleoid associated protein
regulating virulence
Ruiqing Ma and Qiyao Wang
East China University of Science and Technology, China
Horizontal acquired genes play important roles in bacterial chromosome evolution and they are typically grouped together in
blocks termed genomic islands. Transposon Insertion Sequencing (TIS) is a powerful high-throughput genetic technology that
facilitates exploration of conditionally essential genes. Using this technique, a horizontal acquired gene named enrR was identified in
Edwardsiella piscicida
, which is one of the chief infectious threats for farm-raised fish. The mutant of enrR can decrease the expression
of whole T3SS and T6SS gene islands, thereby attenuate its virulence in host. With comprehensive analysis of its function by ChIP-
seq and RNA-seq, we discovered an interesting phenomenon that the working areas of protein EnrR in genome are closed to GIs
(genomic islands) and EnrR can repress their expression by binding to their nearby regions. We finally identified EnrR as a nucleoid
associated protein with non-specific DNA binding ability and DNA aggregation ability
in vitro
and its binding ability with DNA is
dependent on the length of DNA fragments. As a horizontal transfer regulator, EnrR can also enhance virulence in Salmonella. Our
study discovered a universal significant horizontal-transferred virulence activator, which deepens our understanding for bacterial
virulence evolution.
Ruiqing Ma is a PhD student of East China University of Science and Technology focusing on marine pathogenic microorganism. He devotes to identify new
virulence regulator using sequencing technology including TIS, ChIP-seq and RNA-seq, which is used for developing new attenuated live vaccine. His project is
focused on Edwardsiella piscicida that is a bane for aquaculture industry.
rqma2014@126.comRuiqing Ma et al., J Microbio and Biotech Rept 2018, Volume 2