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Volume 2
Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Reports
Microbial Biotechnology 2018
September 17-18, 2018
Microbial Biotechnology & Vaccine Design
September 17-18, 2018 Lisbon, Portugal
World Congress on
Bacteriophages for prevention and treatment of Salmonella infection in poultry
T Gabisonia, M Loladze, N Chakhunashvili, M Nadiradze, M Alibegashvili, N Tamarashvili, T Katamadze, T Kalandarishvili and T Eliava
G. Eliava Institute of Bacteriophage, Microbiology and Virology, Georgia
Enteric Salmonella infection is a global problemboth in human and animals and has been attributed to be the most important bacterial
etiology for enteric infections worldwide with massive outbreaks occurring in recent years. Food animals are the primary reservoir
for human non-typhoid Salmonella infections. Poultry products are considered one of the major sources of Salmonella infections. In
many cases multi-resistant bacteria infecting humans have been directly linked to resistant organisms in animals. Existence of such
pathogens is problematic because of possible transmission of antibiotic resistant bacteria from animals to humans through the food
supply. The development of alternative anti-microbial remedies has become one of the highest priorities of modern medicine and
biotechnology. One of such alternatives might be bacteriophages as a prospective biocontrol method against contaminations caused
by antimicrobial resistant pathogens. Main goal of this work is development of bacteriophage-based product that can be used to
control Salmonella contamination on farm level. For formulating polyvalent phage preparation 3 phages with wide, complementary,
not-fully-overlapping host ranges were selected. Salmonella phages Sal.phi13, Sal.phi18 and vB_Stm 21 were mixed in the proportion
1:1:1 and lytic activity and host specificity of each individual phage was compared with that of the phages cocktail. It was observed
that the phage cocktail possessed broader host specificity within
S. typhimurium
serotype than each of three phages alone. It was
found that the host specificity of Salmonella cocktail was noticeably wider than that of the individual Salmonella phages. Salmonella
phage cocktail was effective against 65 out of 66 (98%) tested Salmonella strains in
in vitro
T Gabisonia is the Head of the Laboratory of Applied Microbiology at the G. Eliava Institute of Bacteriophage, Microbiology and Virology, Georgia. He is author of
more than 30 scientific articles and has participated in many local and international scientific projects.
tato_gabisonia@yahoo.co.ukT Gabisonia et al., J Microbio and Biotech Rept 2018, Volume 2