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Volume 2
Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Reports
Microbial Biotechnology 2018
September 17-18, 2018
Microbial Biotechnology & Vaccine Design
September 17-18, 2018 Lisbon, Portugal
World Congress on
Fortification of dairy products with vitamin D3 and calcium and its influence on dairy microorganisms
Sarka Havlikova, Nemeckova I and Smolova J
Dairy Research Institute, Czech Republic
The aim of our work was to test the effect of vitamin D and calcium supplementation on dairy microorganisms and
subsequently to design the technological processes of dairy products with an increased nutritional value. It is important to supply the
diet of temperate climate inhabitants with these nutrients, especially in winter period when the exposure to UV light is reduced. The
lack of these nutrients contributes many civilization chronic diseases (diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, immunity disorders).
In the first stage, the growth curves of yoghurt, acidophilic, bifidogenic and mesophilic cultures in UHT milk with the
addition of vitamin D3, Aquamine F or Lactoval were studied. The supplements were added to cover 30% of the recommended daily
allowance (DDD) in a 100 ml portion. Afterwards, samples of yoghurt drinks and quark desserts were prepared with an emphasis
on studying the influence of fortification and flavoring components on dairy microorganisms, selected physicochemical parameters
and sensory evaluation of the products.
The addition of vitamin D and Aquamine F did not significantly affect the growth curves of tested cultures. The addition of
Aquamine F even had a positive effect on the density of bifidobacteria. On the other hand, the addition of Lactoval slowed down the
growth of acidophilic culture but the density of microorganisms was comparable across all samples. Due to the buffering capacity of
the calcium preparations, there has been a low pH drop in the developed dairy products.
Our study suggests possibilities to fortify dairy products fulfilling nutritional, microbiological and sensory criteria.
Sarka Havlikova is working as an engineer in the Department of Cheese Technology at the Research Institute of Dairy. She has experience in the field of
microbiology and biotechnological related research work. She has interest in dairy products and dairy microorganisms related projects and technical challenges.
s.havlikova@vum-tabor.czSarka Havlikova et al., J Microbio and Biotech Rept 2018, Volume 2