Page 44
Volume 3
Current Research: Integrative Medicine
Nursing Care & ICNND 2018
October 22-23, 2018
October 22-23, 2018 Madrid, Spain
World Congress on
Nursing Care, Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases
The expression of β-endorphin in the periaqueductal gray by exercise
Mihoko Tomida
Matsumoto Dental University, Japan
It is reported that excessive sports increase β-endorphin in the serum, but there are few reports about the expression
of the opioid in the brain. Therefore, we investigate a change of β-endorphin secreted in the rat brain after exercise.
With male Wistar rats, we investigated the expression of β-endorphin in the periaqueductal gray (DM: Dorsomedial, DL:
Dorsolateral, L: Lateral, VL: Ventrolateral) immune histologically. The conditions are control group (only in a rota-rod treadmill),
high-speed exercise group (11 m/min), low-speed exercise group (6.6 m/min). They exercise twice a day 7 days for 30 minutes. After
7 days, the corticosterone density in the rat blood was measured. The brain tissue of 20 µm was immune stained by the free-floating
method using an antibody of β-endorphin. Immuno-stained section was photographed by a digital camera and immno positive
amount in a square of 100 µm was determined by using software.
The median of corticosterone density was control group 294 µg/ml, high-speed group 349 µg/ml and low-speed group 345
µg/ml. The significant difference was recognized between control and both exercise group. The median of endorphin expression in
the periaqueductal gray is 27.9 µm
, 51.0 µm
, 23.5 µm
. The significant difference was recognized between high-speed group and
low-speed group or control group. By the part distinction, the expression of β-endorphin in DM and DL increase in particular when
rats ran in high-speed.
The present findings suggest that stress after exercise in the rata-rod treadmill might increase regardless of the speed.
However, the sedative effect is strong at vigorous exercise.
mtomi@po.mdu.ac.jpJ Current Res: Int Medicine 2018, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2529-797X-C2-006