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Volume 3

Psychology 2019

July 31-August 01, 2019

Journal of Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Science

July 31-August 01, 2019 | Amsterdam, Netherlands




World Congress on

Clin Psychol Cog Sci, Volume 3

Mental health and current social conditions: Howmodern society looks after ownmental

health (on the example of transitional society)

Viktor Vus

Institute for Social and Political Psychology, Ukraine


: Modern humanity is suffering from numerous problems that violate world stability, and hinder sustainable

development of countries, causing an increase in tension in the system of social interaction. The problem of Mental Health Care

in the contemporary world becomes global in a large scale. Each country in the world faces significant hindrances in both socio-

psychological and economic aspects of the Mental Health Care system. No country has completely solved this problem yet.

At the same time the WHO notes that in the future, given aging population and worsening social problems, the number of

people with mental and behavioural disorders will increase considerably (WHO, 2018). That’s why the Mental Health Care issue

appears to be an important factor of social development, productive work and social stability in any country all over the world

(Flaherty, 2018).


: The study was designed using the following aspects: (a) the young generation of transitional countries was

chosen as the population source for the study in order to more effectively predict future tendencies of the development of both

civil society and the mental health of the population in these countries (as they relate to the development of global society); (b)

Ukraine was chosen as the base transitional country for study since Ukrainian society is currently facing severe social challenges

in civil society development (socio-economic crisis, social transformations, social consequences of military conflict, increase in

migratory activity, etc.).

The psycho-diagnostic markers were defined using data from the Mental Health Foundation



Health Foundation, 2017). The questionnaire was structured in such a way as to represent different aspects of caring for one’s

own mental health (interpersonal communication; physical activity; eating and drinking; listening to one’s own body; social

representation; mental and physical relaxation; self-perception; interpersonal relationships). For the appropriate questions

respondents were asked to identify the average time spent on the specific activity (in minutes per week) and to divide their

answers between 2 aspects of these activities (whether enjoyable or mechanical/routine).

1. The culture of interpersonal communication (talking about own feelings (reflection of life events; solving of life challenges;

functional abilities; aims and priorities; social relationships etc))

2. The culture of physical activity

3. The culture of eating and drinking

4. The culture of listening to own body

5. The culture of social representation (Ask for help; Do something you’re good at etc)

6. The culture of mental and physical relaxing

7. The culture of self perception

8. The culture of interpersonal relationships (care for others; spirituality etc)

As participants of this research students from different regions of Ukraine were involved (583 persons)


: 78% of the individuals under study weren’t able to verbalize and concretize their own understanding of definition

“Mental Health” and only 6% of the individuals under study have defined MH as “emotional health”, “social wellbeing”, “social,

personal and psychic harmony”.