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Volume 3

Psychology 2019

July 31-August 01, 2019

Journal of Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Science

July 31-August 01, 2019 | Amsterdam, Netherlands




World Congress on

Virtual reality utilization for optimizing working memory stimulation during EMDR

therapy and PTSD treatment

Tjeu Theunissen

Maastricht University, Netherlands

Statement of the Problem

: By overloading the working memory

during EMDR(Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)

therapy with dual attentional tasking, the quality of the traumatic

memory is altered and its intensity weakened, leading to less

symptoms of PTSD(Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). Crucial to

EMDR therapy is the adequate dosage of the secondary task (WM

taxation) during recall of traumatic memories. In clinical EMDR,

the secondary task consists of bilateral eye movements. However,

the speed and width of EM's is not recorded, while they may

have large effects on WM taxation and thus treatment outcome. It

appears, then, that it would be helpful to have a secondary task of

which the degree of WM taxation can be manipulated and adjusted

to individual patients.


: A pilot feasibility study investigated whether a Virtual

Reality EMDR intervention that titratesWM load per individual

leads to more reduction of subjective distress towards trauma

compared to other traditional (non-VR) interventions. PTSD

patients were offered three conditions of EMDR administering

as a choice.


: The EMDR VR administering had positive effect on decreasing subjective distress within a single EMDR session, and

more positive effect compared to traditional methods. In addition, a large proportion of patients preferred the VR as treatment method

of choice. Overall, patients reported the VR to have better therapy outcome and subjective distress reduction, a more immersive

experience, and less distraction by the therapist’s presence.

Conclusion & Significance

: Titrating WM load per individual could improve EMDR therapy effectivity. Moreover, VR

would be a promising research environment to study EMDR and PTSD treatment because it allows for precise controlling

and manipulating therapy variables to alter WM load. More data is needed to explore the effects of titrating WM load and VR

administering on PTSD treatment. Future VR utilization in PTSD treatment is suggested.


Tjeu Theunissen is a PhD-candidate at Maastricht University (NL) and has completed several clinical trainings. He is working (part-

time) as a therapist in the specialized health care at mental health clinic U-Center (NL), performing EMDR on international patients

with PTSD (mostly NATO soldiers). He has experience as a therapist, researcher, and teacher in clinical psychology, in which a

specialization in psycho-trauma is apparent. Highlights in his achievements are winning the FPN education prize for best teacher during

his first year of teaching at Maastricht University, and being accepted in world’s most top- rated incubator program ‘Y-Combinator’ with

the presented EMDR-VR business concept. He has founded the company SilVRmind with the specific aim to improve trauma therapy

via Innovation technology, with a strong focus on scientific research and clinical practice.

Clin Psychol Cog Sci, Volume 3

Fig. 1. Mean Subjective Unit of Distress (SUD) values for the traditional

Finger condition, the EMDR Lightbar condition, and Virtual Reality

(VR) condition across 165 EMDR sessions