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Current Research: Integrative Medicine

CAM Therapies 2017

September 18-19, 2017 Charlotte, USA



International Meeting on

Complementary and Alternative Medicine & Therapies

Chronic back and leg pain: An evidence-based review of the common causes of chronic

back and leg pain as demonstrated on imaging

Douglas M Gillard

Palmer College of Chiropractic, USA


n this day and age, it’s becoming more and more common for the patient to bring a disk(s) of their latest

imaging findings to the consultation and then expect the primary health care provider to interpret these images

on the spot and then explain the findings in layman’s terms. And because of the litigious nature of our society,

radiologist no longer willingly provides their interpretations of these imaging. Therefore, oftentimes you’re on

your own. Would you be able to load up their disk in Onis 2.5 and show the patient the different potential pain

generators on their imaging, and then make a working diagnosis based on these images and your examination

findings? This important information is currently being taught in a very popular upper quarter class by Dr. Gillard,

who, in addition to his teaching duties, has a unique consultation service where he speaks with patients from all

over the world regarding their chronic pain situation and offers an diagnosis based on the history, medical record

review, and their image findings, which he goes over with the patient via GoToMeeting. He has accumulated a

large collection of imaging over the last 15 years which he uses for his presentations, with permission. Besides

demonstrating simple cases which involve, for example, degenerative spondylolisthesis and disc extrusion,

he would also review some not-so-simple cases which are becoming more and more common these days. For

example, are you familiar with rhBMP-2 and its controversy in spine surgery? The doctor will present a recent

case where severe heterotopic bone grew from the fusion site and completely obliterated the lateral recess and

most of the neuroforamen resulting in severe nerve root compression and subsequent radicular pain.