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Microbiol Biotechnol Rep | Volume 1, Issue 2
November 16-17, 2017 Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Annual Congress on
Mycology and Fungal Infections
Genome shuffling of mangrove endophytic
Aspergillus luchuensis
MERV10 for improving
the cholesterol-lowering agent lovastatin under solid state fermentation
HindAAAl-Zahrani, Mervat Morsy Abbas Ahmed El-Gendy andAhmed MohamedAhmed El-BondLly
University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
n the screening of marine mangrove derived fungi for lovastatin productivity, endophvtic 4s/›ergi//us
MERV10 exhibited the highest lovastatin productivitv (9.5 mg/Eds) in solid state fermentation (SSF) using rice
Aspergillus luchuensis
MERV10 was used as the parental strain in which to induce genetic variability aker
application of different mixtures as well as doses of mutagens followed by three successive rounds of genome
shuffling. Four potent mutants, UN6, UN28, NEll, and NE23, with lovastatin productivity equal to 2.0-, 2.11-,
4 .95-, and 2.11-fold higher than the parental strain, respectively, were applied for three rounds of genome
shuffling as the initial mutants. Four hereditarily stable recombinants (F3/3, F3/7, F3/9, and F3/13) were obtained
with lovastatin productivity equal to TO.8, 5 7.0, 49.7, and 11.0 m@gds, respectively. Recombinant strain F3/7
yielded 57.0 mg/gels of lovastatin, which is 6-fold and 2.85-fr›ld higher, respectively, than the initial parental
strain and the highest mutants UN28 and NE23. It was therefore selected for the optimization of lovastatin
production through improvement of SSF parameters. Lovastatin procluctivity was increased! 32-fold through
strain improvement method included mutations and three successive rounds of genome shuffling followed by
optimizing SSF factors.
Hind AAAl-Zahrani is currently working as a Research Scientist at University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.