Volume 3
Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience
Neurosurgery 2019 & Neuroimmunology 2019
May 22-23, 2019
Page 13
Neurosurgery and Neurological Surgeons
Neuroscience and Neuroimmunology
May 22-23, 2019 London, UK
Annual Meeting on
Global Summit on
J Neurol Clin Neurosci, Volume 3
Neuroscience solutions for the BPO industry
Abstract of Talk under the “Behavioral Science Track”
“Outsourcing” refers to the practice of outsourcing Non- Core Business
functions of an Organization to 3rd Party Business Process Outsourcing
(BPO) Service Providers. The Outsourcing Industry is one of the fastest
growth industries in the World, with an average annual expansion rate of 20%.
And the Philippines is among the top countries of choice where BPO Service
Providers locate. Its contribution to the Philippine GDP (Gross Domestic
Product) is approximately 19% in 2018 and it is the Philippines’ 2nd largest net
foreign exchange earner and is the country’s most important generator of jobs.
Its workforce is dominated by Millennials whose office hours adjust to the time
of the Clients (so Philippine BPOs catering to American Clients work from 8pm
to 12noon). This promotes a lifestyle rooted on insufficient sleep, lack of exercise,
and a diet that thrives on coffee and fast foods. Work is intensely stressful as strict
compliance to PerformanceMetrics and Service Level Agreements are demanded.
BPOs traditionally resort to providing non-monetary benefits such as regular
special events, game rooms, and weekly massages in order to retain their
people. But “Worker Attrition” remains as its primary challenge, with an
average 30% of its people leaving before their 6th month of employment.
Neuroscience Concepts which contradict prevalent industry practices have successfully lowered Worker Attrition among
my BPO Clients. Using Lectures and Demonstrations, Coaching and Mentoring, Key Performance Metrics have been met
through solutions which give rise to the
optimal mix of the “DNA of Achievement”, namely; Dopamine, Noradrenaline, and Acetylcholine. As a result, emotions
have been regulated, focus has been sharpened, learning has been optimized, and a culture of trust has been established.
And analysis of field data reveals not that only has Worker Attrition gone down, but “Average Handling Time” (the time it
takes to complete a Phone Conversation) has also decreased.
Ben is a US-Certified Neuroscience Coach as well as a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner. He is the Managing Direc-
tor of Amplius Management Consultancy based in Manila, Philippines. His firm provides services in the areas of Management Consultancy,
Training, Organizational Development, and Market Research. He graduated with a degree in Engineering from the University of the Philip-
pines. Ben then proceeded to earn a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from the same university and a Master of Science
in Industrial Economics from the University of Asia and the Pacific. He has had an extensive Corporate Career in the different Functional
Disciplines of General Management in a variety of Industries, such as Manufacturing, Sales & Marketing, Property Management and De-
velopment, Strategic Consultancy, and in a conglomerate involved in Shipping, Manning, and Business Process Outsourcing. He combines
Science with Management Theory and actual Corporate Experience to design novel solutions to Organizational challenges.
benampil@yahoo.comBen Ampil
Amplius Management Consultancy, Philippines