Volume 3
Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience
Neurosurgery 2019 & Neuroimmunology 2019
May 22-23, 2019
Page 14
Neurosurgery and Neurological Surgeons
Neuroscience and Neuroimmunology
May 22-23, 2019 London, UK
Annual Meeting on
Global Summit on
J Neurol Clin Neurosci, Volume 3
The unsuspected bio-energetic role of neuromelanin, implications in the context of neuroscience
tatement of the Problem: Glucose is considered to this day as the source of energy par
excellence of the CNS. Biology and medicine are completely based on this dogma. On the
other hand, the neuromelanin was considered a waste of the metabolism of norepinephrine
in the CNS Central Nervous System. Therefore, the pathophysiology of CNS diseases was
studied thinking that glucose was able to provide the building blocks of organic molecules
that conforms us, and at the same time was able to provide the energy that its ownmetabolism
requires. But trying to explain the biochemical basis of the functioning of the body based
on the dual function of glucose (mass and energy) has led us to travel on unnecessarily
complex roads that are theoretical in 95%. What is the result of the scarce therapeutic
results in neurodegenerative diseases such as AD (Alzheimer's disease), PD (Parkinson's
disease), Huntington, coma, PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder); etc. The purpose of
this study is to describe the notorious difference between previous biology and the new
neurobiology based in glucose as source of biomass and neuromelanin as source of energy.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: The division between mass and energy allows
a different conceptualization in the functioning of the CNS. The discovery of the
unsuspected neuromelanin ability to transform the light into chemical energy through
the dissociation of the water molecule, like chlorophyll into plants, shatters the sacrosanct role of glucose as a source of
energy. Our finding about the ability of neuromelanin to dissociate the water molecule occurred during an observational,
descriptive study of the three main causes of blindness (Glaucoma, diabetes, and macular degeneration) and its relationship
with morphology of the tiny optic nerve vessels. The protocol lasted twelve years, and 6000 patients were included.
Findings: Glucose is sources of structured carbon chains in a surprisingly accurate way. That way our body gets C, H, and
oxygen. Glucose is the universal precursor of 99% of the body's organic matter, but it cannot provide the energy that its
own metabolism requires.
Conclusion & Significance: The discovery of the unsuspected bioenergetic role of Neuromelanin, opens a new era in Neuro
sciences. It simplifies the metabolic pathways and facilitates the development of efficient therapeutic schemes in diseases
considered incurable, such as AD, PD, Huntington, coma, PTSD, etcetera
Arturo Solís Herrera, specialized in ophthalmology at the UNAM, accrediting various courses at the Hospital Conde Valenciana and the Na-
tional Institute of Neurology. In the year 1982, he began working in the state of Aguascalientes, where worked at the Autonomous University
of Aguascalientes and the Mexican Institute of Social Security. His private practice of ophthalmology was started in the year of 1990, observa-
tional, descriptive research; about the morphological changes in the tiny blood vessels that come in and out of the optic nerve and its possible
correlation with the three leading causes of blindness in Mexico and the world: Glaucoma, diabetes, and macular degeneration. This study
culminated twelve years later and included retina photographs of six thousand patients; with the discovery of the unsuspected intrinsic property
of melanin to transform visible light into chemical energy, through the dissociation of the water molecule, such as chlorophyll, in plants.Also,
already dedicated to private practice and research of melanin, he obtained the degree of master’s in medical sciences at theAutonomous Uni-
versity of Aguascalientes and later the doctorate in Pharmacology (toxicology) in the University of Guadalajara. He is founding director of the
Center for Studies of Human photosynthesis®, S.C. in Aguascalientes; Mexico. Unique institution of its kind in Mexico and the world. It should
be mentioned that he conducted the research in his private office, with his own means, financing the project with his daily work.
comagua2000@yahoo.comArturo Solís Herrera
Human Photosynthesis Research Centre, Mexico
Figure 1) The sun, as main power source
is represented to the center; The melanin is
represented as the black circle on which the
liquid water is represented (above), the gaseous
components of the water (right); And on the left,
the 4 high-energy electrons that are generated
byevery twowatermolecules thatarere-formed.