Volume 3
Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience
Neurosurgery 2019 & Neuroimmunology 2019
May 22-23, 2019
Page 25
Neurosurgery and Neurological Surgeons
Neuroscience and Neuroimmunology
May 22-23, 2019 London, UK
Annual Meeting on
Global Summit on
J Neurol Clin Neurosci, Volume 3
Strategy of petrous meningiomas surgery
Petrous Meningioma are benign lesions, their total surgical excision is the only method for complete cure,
However, their excision are confronted by deep location and critical anatomical relation and exact site of origin from the
petrous bone, this study was aimed to plan a surgical strategy based on site of attachment of the lesion in the petrous bone.
Twenty-Five were studied preoperatively by neuro –imaging especially magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to
classify the types of petrous meningiomas, all cases were studied operatively for the extent of the tumor removal, clinical
status also, follow up with histo-pathological verification.
Radical Surgical removal was achieved in sixthteen patients (64%), subtotal removal in five cases (20%) and
incomplete removal in another four cases (16 %).
Complete Surgical excision of the petrous meningioma can be planned preoperatively depending on exact
site of attachment to the petrous bone. There were four different zones on surface of petrous bone on which, different type
of surgical approach can be used to achieve a better result as regards. The safety of the patient and the radicality of tumor
Mohamed A. Fahmy Zeid completed MBBCH very good with honours on Nov 1982 and completed Master of General Surgery in
1987.Hedid fellowship in the department of Neurosurgery in
1994.Hedid doctorate degree in Neurological surgery in 1994.and member congress
of American Neurological Surgeons on 2000 He is the House officer in Ministry of Health Hospitals and Alexandria university Hospitals for
one year from 1983 to
1984.Heworked as physician in the Ministry of Health Hospitals from 1984 to
1987.Heis Registrar of Neurosurgery
in private hospital from 1987 to
1988.Heis Assistant lecturer of Neurosurgical department of Alexandria University Hospitals from 1988 to
1994.Heis chief consultant of Neurosurgery in Saqr Hospitals, UAE from 2000 to
2003.Hevisit to Neurological surgery department, Royal
College of Medicine, London in 2001. He is working as Professor of Neurosurgery department at Alexandria University from 2010 to till date.
mohamedfahmy@hotmail.comMohamed A Fahmy Zeid
Alexandria University, Egypt