Volume 3
Journal of Nursing Research and Practice
Nursing and Heart 2019
April 22-23, 2019
Page 33
Nursing Education and Evidence Based Practice Conference
Heart Conference
April 22-23, 2019 Dubai, UAE
Asma Hussein Rammal, J Nursing Research and Practice, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2632-251X-C3-007
Quality in decision making
uality in decision-making is very crucial issue in nursing. Since nurses have the voice to lead, strong leaders should support
this leading. In order to have strong leaders they should have the proper knowledge and enough experience in the field.
Multiple factors affect the decisions; outside factors and inside factors. The outside factors include the rules and regulations of
MOH, labor law, accredited organizations and the other hospital (competitors). Inside Factors; like policies and procedures of
the hospital, the shortage of staff and the support of the higher management. Despite of all these factors the quality of care and
patient safety should have the priority when make the decision otherwise; it will affect the health of patient. For instance, when
decision was made to transfer patients from ICU to medical ward because their health status was improved a little, but they did
not reach the level of being in normal ward. Their health status was deteriorated, and they were sent back to ICU. This type of
decision has lots of side effect; 1- It did not take the quality of care inconsideration. 2- This decision will affect the reputation
of the hospital other than the legal situation that will affect the hospital. Other decision can be taken by higher management to
increase the ratio of patient to nurse specially in critical areas other than the ward patient. In this situation, Nursing Director
can stop this decision. In order to prevent medical mistakes, work overload on nurses, which in turn will increase the sick leave.
Nursing Directors who considered the leaders for the new nurses should present strong leadership with justified decisions that
reflect the quality of care that should have the priority.
Asma Hussein Rammal completed master’s in health services management from Yarmouk University and Royal Collage of Surgeon and BSc in Nursing from University
of Jordan. She has 12 years of experience in Management level and 3years as Nursing Director in Madina National Hospital. Also, 7 years as Specialized Supervisor for
Operating Theatre with Doctors without boarder and 2 years as Nursing Supervisor in International Medical Center. She has one academic year as Clinical Instructor in
Arabia Collage in Amman. Almost 8 years as Operating room Nurse in 3 different hospitals in Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
Rammalahasma@yahoo.comAsma Hussein Rammal
Amman Governorate, Jordan