Volume 3
Journal of Nursing Research and Practice
Nursing and Heart 2019
April 22-23, 2019
Page 31
Nursing Education and Evidence Based Practice Conference
Heart Conference
April 22-23, 2019 Dubai, UAE
Susan J Kitching, J Nursing Research and Practice, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2632-251X-C3-007
Making a difference for staff and the patient
Statement of the Problem:
Taking on a new role in a Hospital that had not had much evidence-based nursing utilized would
for some be a step to far. For those who enjoy a challenge it gives a great opportunity to lead and direct staff to strengthen their
knowledge and more so patients’ outcomes. Transformational leadership is about transforming and Cummings et al 2009,
2011 have highlighted the links between patient outcomes and leadership. So how do you go about righting poor practice,
limited understanding whilst leading and engaging a workforce? Well, the opportunity arose when the morning report kept
highlighting pressure injuries but with no outcomes and solutions. So, rather than being the leader I took on the role of clinical
nurse with experience to go and investigate and see what change I could make. “Amazing,” is a nice word and one that sums up
the effect of my transformation in the staffs understanding, ownership and improvement leading to better outcomes for their
patients Pressure injuries at Grade 4 and above are now reduced to Grade 2 and below and staffs have confidence in how to
tackle pressure injury prevention and care. Just through a leader changing focus and showing nursing skills are never lost and
knowledge is wonderful asset and what simple motivation and encouragement can do to a workforce.
Susan is a vastly experienced Nursing leader who has held a variety of roles in all types of Healthcare. Her driving passion is about making effective sustainable change
in Nursing practice and patient outcomes. She has worked both in the UK and Saudi Arabia. She is currently undertaking her professional doctorate in nursing leadership
and motivation and the effects they have on patients’ outcomes.
sue@sjkconsultant.co.ukSusan J Kitching
Northern Area Armed Forces Hospital, KSA