Volume 3
Journal of Nursing Research and Practice
Nursing and Heart 2019
April 22-23, 2019
Page 12
Nursing Education and Evidence Based Practice Conference
Heart Conference
April 22-23, 2019 Dubai, UAE
Rabie’e Al Rashdi, J Nursing Research and Practice, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2632-251X-C3-007
Rabie’e Al Rashdi
Oman Academic Accreditation Authority, Sultanate of Oman
Understanding and implementing EBP to foster and maintain safe and competent care
Several definitions exist for the ‘Evidence Based Practice’ (EBP) concept, but the most commonly cited definition, according
to Boyce et al (2018), comes from Dr. David Sackett in his 1996 letter in BMJ on what evidence-based medicine is and is not.
In the letter, he described EBP as “the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions
about the care of individual patients (Sackett, et al, 1996).
According to Mackey and Bassendowski (2017) Evidence Based Practice evolved from Florence Nightingale in the 1800s to
medical physicians in the 1970s, and the nursing profession in the late 1990s. It began as an idea to provide better outcomes for
patients who experienced deplorable, unsanitary, conditions and developed from this foundation to a widely communicated
and critically needed practice for fostering and maintaining safe and competent care.
The critical need of Evidence Based Practice stems from the fact that, despite its development and wide interest to adapt it
in nursing and other healthcare professions, there is still a wide variation in healthcare practices that ultimately lead to un-
necessary wastage of resources, wasted care delivery time and efforts, as well as poor treatments and nursing care outcome
(Youngblut and Brooten, 2001).
In response to the aforementioned status quo of Evidence Based Practice, commissioners and providers of healthcare were
encouraged to implement it in order to utilize resources, improve the outcome of treatment and care delivery and meet public
demands for cost effective and high standards of care. In this keynote presentation, the author aims to answer the following key
questions: what is Evidence Based Practice and what is it not?; why is Evidence Based Practice needed in healthcare?; what is
the best way of implementing Evidence Based Practice?; what are the hindering factors in implementation of Evidence Based
Practice?; and how to overcome the hindering factors and enhance the implementation of Evidence Based Practice?.
Rabie’e Al Rashdi graduated as a general nurse from the UK in 1987 before joining the Sultan Qaboos Military Academy from which he graduated as an Officer and then
returned to UK to specialize in Accident and Emergency, Flight Nursing, as well as Intensive Care. Worked as a Nursing Officer in various military hospitals and climbed up
the professional career ladder to finally become the Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) of the Armed Forces Medical Services, Oman. He served in this demanding post for over
12 years, then he was appointed as the Commandant (Dean) of AFMS School. He left the military healthcare services at the beginning of 2015 and is currently working
as Planning and Development Expert in the Oman Academic Accreditation Authority. He has a master’s degree in Nursing and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from Napier
University, Edinburgh (Scotland), with a focus on healthcare Human Resources Development and Management. He also holds a post doctorate diploma in strategic man-
agement and leadership from Oxford Business College, UK, as well as various leadership and management courses.