Volume 3
Journal of Nursing Research and Practice
Nursing and Heart 2019
April 22-23, 2019
Page 16
Nursing Education and Evidence Based Practice Conference
Heart Conference
April 22-23, 2019 Dubai, UAE
Adel S Bashatah, J Nursing Research and Practice, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2632-251X-C3-007
Adel S Bashatah
King Saud University, KSA
Nursing education in Saudi Arabia: A 60 years of obstacles and opportunities
ursing is a well-recognized profession in Saudi Arabia. Since the 1950s, Nursing in Saudi Arabia has faced many obstacles
and challenges in reforming education and practice among Saudi community. The low number of schools and nursing
programs at the Bachelor level paired with high number of Diploma schools, has influenced nursing outcomes in both education
and practice. In 2005, a higher education transformation began with huge number of schools and universities supporting
Nursing Education and Practice. Higher education scholarships, International Education, and the diversity of future qualified
nurses in Saudi Arabia will influence nursing profession at large. Alternatively, the nursing councils and nursing societies
should support such a reform with all governmental support. Yet, with growing number of educated nurses without a clear
vision of the nursing profession’s needs led to poor outcome of nursing practice and nursing image at large. Moreover, the
revolution of higher education in health specialties including nursing has increased the number of programs up to 25 nursing
programs with average of 1000 students per year. With the governmental support and expected development, questions been
raised concerning the role of organizations and associations in supporting nursing development. The purpose of this study is
to discuss the history of Saudi Nursing Education identifying the obstacles, challenges, and opportunities of creating qualified
new nurses to be ready in the field of care.
Adel S Bashatah is currently working as a Dean of Skills Development at King Saud University Saudi Arabia. Before joining King Saud University, he worked as a Director
of Medical and Health Programs in Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission. He also worked as a senior Nurse Specialist in King Fahad Medical City, Saudi Arabia.