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Volume 3
Journal of Nursing Research and Practice
Nursing and Heart 2019
April 22-23, 2019
Nursing Education and Evidence Based Practice Conference
Heart Conference
April 22-23, 2019 Dubai, UAE
Organizational downsizing, job satisfaction and organizational commitment among nurse educators in
Western Visayas
Louie P Hijalda
University of San Agustin, Philippines
Higher Educational Institutions in the Philippines faced low program demand and pressure on competitive advantage
because of the full implementation of K-12 and advent of Outcomes-Based Education; downsizing as one of the most popular
strategies being used in an effort to compete in the current educational system scenario.
The study employed a descriptive-correlational design utilizing a survey method. Qualitative data were obtained
to enrich survey results. Ninety-one (91) nurse educators in various College of Nursing in Western Visayas were chosen as actual
participants using a stratified random sampling. Data collected were analysed using appropriate descriptive, inferential statistics and
qualitative analysis.
The results showed that majority of participants were 41 years old and above (65%), female (88%), married (88%), with
master’s degree (81%), with a monthly salary of Php21, 000.00 and above (51%), having more than 10 years of service (78%) and
assigned in both classroom and related learning experience (69%). The overall interpretation indicates a moderate level of job
satisfaction (grand mean of 3.81) and organizational commitment (grand mean of 4.20) among nurse educators in Western Visayas;
there is no significant relationship between organizational commitment versus profile variables except for area of assignment (χ2 =
16.217, p = 0.013). There is a significant relationship between job satisfaction versus organizational commitment (χ2 = 100.2, p =
The study concluded that nurse educators’ perception of organizational downsizing has little effect on their job
satisfaction and organizational commitment and that organizational downsizing has no significant relationship to job satisfaction
and organizational commitment among nurse educators in Western Visayas.
Louie Pinuela Hijalda, Ph.D., RN, is currently a clinical instructor at the University of San Agustin, College of Health and Allied Medical Profession. A member of
the Department of Science and Technology – Western Visayas Human Resource Development Committee (DOST–WVHRDC) and University of San Agustin –
Research Ethics Review Committee.
lhijalda@usa.edu.phLouie P Hijalda, J Nursing Research and Practice, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2632-251X-C3-008