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Volume 3
Journal of Nursing Research and Practice
Nursing and Heart 2019
April 22-23, 2019
Nursing Education and Evidence Based Practice Conference
Heart Conference
April 22-23, 2019 Dubai, UAE
Nurses knowledge, practice and strain of care for delirium management among critical care nurses in
Kuwait hospitals
Jassim Mohammed Al Barrak
Jaber Al-Ahmad Armed Forces Hospital, Kuwait
his study aim to (i) assess ICU nurses’ knowledge of delirium, practice skills of delirium assessment and management, and strain
of care when caring for patients having delirium in Kuwaiti ICUs; (ii) identify relations between ICU nurses’ knowledge, practice
skills, and strain of care for delirium in Kuwait; and (iii) test for significant differences in nurses’ knowledge, practice skills, and
strain of care between nurses’ different demographic characteristics groups. The target population of this study is critical care nurses
working in adult ICUs in Kuwaiti hospitals. Study sample selected from the total population which is estimated to be 822 nurses who
are working in different critical care units in Kuwait. The study found that (i) the sample ICU nurses of both Group 1 and Group 2
generally have average knowledge of delirium despite generally having several years of experience in ICUs; and (ii) Group 2 nurses
have higher levels of knowledge of delirium than Group 1 nurses. The study found that perceptions of the sample nurses of the level
of effectiveness of 20 practices in delirium management varied widely amongst members of each group and between the two groups
and nurses of Group 1 rank the 20 investigated skills and practices for delirium management as about 60% effective in delirium
management. Stated otherwise, almost 60.0% of the 20 listed practices are effective in delirium management. The study found that
as nurse’s knowledge of delirium increases, his/her perception of effectiveness of the 20 practices for management of delirium listed
on the NPSDM instrument increases, and vice versa. The study results of testing for significant differences between the demographic
characteristics groups of Group 1 ICU nurses in the main variables of the study (median scores on the NKD, NPSDM, and SCDI
instruments) revealed that out of 24 potential combinations of variables and groups, only four significant differences between groups
have been detected: Healthcare sector-NKD, ICU Category-NPSDM, Experience in Nursing-SCDI, Experience in ICU-SCDI.
Jassim Mohammed Al Barrak is currently working as a Critical Care Nurse at Jaber Al-Ahmad Armed Forces Hospital (JAAFH) in Kuwait. He is an experienced
nurse with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & healthcare industry. He is skilled in Clinical Research, Patient Safety, Critical Care Nursing, and
Jassoom26@hotmail.comJassim Mohammed Al Barrak, J Nursing Research and Practice, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2632-251X-C3-008