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Volume 3
Journal of Nursing Research and Practice
Nursing and Heart 2019
April 22-23, 2019
Nursing Education and Evidence Based Practice Conference
Heart Conference
April 22-23, 2019 Dubai, UAE
Working to deliver care where it is most needed
Khaled Almutairi
Prince Sultan Military Medical City, KSA
Determine the effectiveness of staff education programs and the implementation of guidelines for rapid response teams to
ensure that at risk patients are prioritized and followed appropriately.
A staff education program for hospital ward staff who would be utilizing the rapid response system was started. Staff were
taught when and how to activate the rapid response system. Emphasis on activating the system early was reinforced along with the
benefits of early treatment for at risk patients. A strict criterion for the rapid response teamwas developed that focused on finding and
treating the patients that would benefit the most from advanced care during an ongoing crisis. Following the educational program
and criteria implementation to the rapid response program, we reviewed our yearly statistics to determine if there was any benefit
achieved from this process.
We observed a steady increase in rapid response activations over the year. The number of referrals & active patients being
seen by rapid response both trended upward thru the year 1. Our crude mortality rate decreased steadily as the year progressed 2. This
occurred as our educational programs and guidelines were being implemented. We will follow this investigation with more specific
indicators and develop KPIs for our teams internally to monitor the effectiveness of the program moving forward.
Training programs that target general healthcare staff and implementation of rapid response criteria to more effectively
reach at risk patients can have a dramatic improvement of a rapid response service and decrease mortality.
A senior Specialist in Critical Care Nursing has his expertise in Adult Intensive Care Services, His evaluation of improving the Nursing Practice in ICU is more often
open for evaluation model based on responsive constructivists between Ward Nurses and ICU Nurses and creates new pathways. He has built this model after
years of experience in Both ICU and Rapid Response Team.
dr_dk21@hotmail.comKhaled Almutairi, J Nursing Research and Practice, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2632-251X-C3-008