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Volume 3
Journal of Nursing Research and Practice
Nursing and Heart 2019
April 22-23, 2019
Nursing Education and Evidence Based Practice Conference
Heart Conference
April 22-23, 2019 Dubai, UAE
Sharing is caring, a shared governance model in nursing practice
Mohamad Fakih
Fakeeh University Hospital, UAE
The shared governance of nursing practice is a model that encourage nurses and nurse leaders to take ownership of their nursing
practice and quality of care delivery. Shared governance is highly correlated to improved nurses work environment, satisfaction, and
retention. Whereby nurse’s turnover is identified to be costly with a direct effect on staff engagement, and job satisfaction causing role
ambiguity, and conflicts, poor communication, work stress, and burnout.
The basis of shared governance in nursing is that staff nurses should have the information, resources, and motivation to be able to
take decisions that governs nursing practice. In a shared governance model, nurses are encouraged and allowed to participate in the
decision-making process involving administrative issues that might affect their work life balance, a practice that nurses were excluded
form. Shared governance models in nursing are meant to empower and engage nurses which can in turn influence nurses’ decisions
to remain employed.
Nurse leaders and middle manager play a crucial role in the success of shared governance model whereby they act as subject matter
experts and catalysts in implementing the model by engaging the teams in improvement activities and initiatives that can directly
affect nursing practice.
Work engagement is defined as a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind characterized by positive attributes toward work
related practices and interests. Nurses engagement is considered a predictor for job satisfaction and low nurses’ turnover rates.
Improving nurse’s satisfaction was positively related to improve financial metrics and patient related quality metrics like patient falls
rate, pressure ulcer injuries, and infection control practices.
Mohamad Fakih has a passion for nursing, care delivery models, quality, and patient safety. Throughout his career of over more than 15 year and 5 countries.
Participated in developing nursing practice models and lead teams that developed nursing policies that governs nursing practice at a corporate level. Served as
a board member and hospital executive to many healthcare organizations. Expert in team building, staff engagement, and healthcare entrepreneurship. Currently
holds the position of Chief Nurse Executive at Fakeeh University Hospital, Dubai.
mhfakih@fakeeh.careMohamad Fakih, J Nursing Research and Practice, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2632-251X-C3-008