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Volume 2

Journal of Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment

Annual Nephrology & Chronic Diseases 2019

May 20-21, 2019


Chronic Diseases

May 20-21, 2019 London, UK



Annual Conference on



International Conference on


Somatotypes of patients with prostate adenoma

Nikolay Yu Klimov

Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Russia


One of the most common diseases in men in the second period of adulthood, in elderly and old ages

is "Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)." Moreover, if at the age of about 40-49 years, it occurs in 11.3% of men,

after 80 years it is found in 95.5%. The etiology of prostate adenoma (BPH) exists in the form of hypotheses

and it’s in many respects controversial.

Objective of the research:

To establish the most common somatotype of patients with prostatic adenoma

(PA) according to the index of Tanner and Rees-Eysenck body index.

Materials and methods:

We examined 150 patients with morphologically confirmed diagnosis who were

operated in the urology departments of Krasnoyarsk hospitals. The patients' age was 61-74 years (mean age

67, 7 ± 1, 3). Standard anthropometry was made to all of them in 27 parameters with the calculation of

osteometric indices of Rees-Eysenck and Tanner according to the known formulas. Anthropometric data

taken from the healthy men of the same age were used as a comparison group. Statistical data management

was made using the Student's test and χ2. Differences were considered significant at p <0.05.


Determination of patient somatotype by Rees-Eysenck index showed that men of pyknic somatotype

made up 47,4% (men of the population – 78,6%; Р<0,05), normosthenic type -40,6% (13,9%; Р<0,05), asthenic

type - 12% (7,5%; Р<0,05).When comparing the frequency of somatotypes among patients with PA and men

of the population there is a significant difference. Patients with BPH are presented in the majority by pyknic

and normosthenic types, while among men of the population the pyknic somatotype considerably prevails.

While identifying patient somatotypes by the index of Tanner it was found out that gynaecomorphic men

amount 80,8% (men of the population - 17,2%; Р<0,05), mesomorphic ones - 17,6% (66,6%; Р<0,05) and

andromorphic group made up only 1,6% (16,2%; Р<0,05). In comparison with the population values there are

striking differences. Gynaecomorphic men are in the majority among the patients and as for the andromorphic

men - they are almost absent.

J Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment, Volume 2