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Volume 3
Journal of Nursing Research and Practice
Nursing and Heart 2019
April 22-23, 2019
Nursing Education and Evidence Based Practice Conference
Heart Conference
April 22-23, 2019 Dubai, UAE
The elderly and life’s channels: The threads of life
Elma Jazz Elma-Macrohon
Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE
his study was undertaken with the aim to validate the assumption in JEM’s Theory on Intergenerational Visits to the Elderly,
which states that Intergenerational visits promote socialization, that spirals into family solidarity, quality time shared; that affords
the elderly parents more meanings, purposes, significance in their lives, the feeling of successfully aging, and make family relationship
tighter every time it happens. It is also to come up with narrative materials from the experiences of the informant-elderly during
intergenerational visits, together with children, grandchildren, friends and relatives, before, during, and after the visitation. The
method used is narrative inquiry. Interview schedules were used both in Filipino and English. There were recorded interviews and
later transcriptions of them, then a story was woven entitled: “The Elderly and Life’s Channels: The Threads of Life”. There were six
parents interviewed equal to six families. The characters in the narrations are representatives from these families. Findings proved
that, “intergenerational visits to the elderly”, is a key factor to improve the social relationship between children and parents and
between and among parents and children. Other findings were on the smooth and rough (conflicts) events in the family, but the latter
mended by the faithful observance of intergenerational visits, which serve as the knot that binds family members together, because
the former promotes socialization. It is recommended that Intergenerational visits be included in the yearly activities for the elderly
people or the senior citizens, by their respective family members, often or even far in-between.
Dr. Jazz is a nurse educator for more than 16 years, dedicated in teaching nursing student in undergraduate and postgraduate levels. During the course of her
career as an educator and clinician, she developed an affinity for the older people. Working with older people is one of the most rewarding and challenging
opportunities in the nurse’s professional career. Sometimes seen as a difficult or depressing specialization, but she is sure Gerontology Nursing offers unique joys
and rewards..
jmacrohon@hct.ac.aeElma Jazz Elma-Macrohon, J Nursing Research and Practice, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2632-251X-C3-008