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Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience | Volume: 03
International Conference on
International Conference on
December 04-05, Dubai, UAE
Joint event on
J Neurol Clin Neurosci, Volume: 03
Quantitative changes of Annexin and Syndecan in early Ischemic distant post
conditioning of MCA occlusion in Rats
Maria Eduardovna Kolpakova
Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Russia
: The Structural and functional integrity of
the BBB (Brain-blood barrier) is determined by many
mechanisms, including intercellular neurovascular
interactions. Data on the participation of annexin
and syndecan molecules in the mechanisms of brain
recovery after stroke are few. The aim of the work is to
reveal quantitative changes of annexin and syndecan
molecules on the model of focal occlusive ischemia in
postconditioning in the early post-stroke period.
Materials and methods
: The Experiments were performed
on sexually Mature male rats of Wistar stock weighing
220-250 g (nursery "Rappolovo" RAS, Leningrad region)
(n=13). Experimental groups were formed: control (30 min.
ischemia) (n=7) anda groupwith ischemia andmultipleearly
ischemic postconditioning (n=6). Animalswere anesthetized
with chloral hydrate (450 mg/kg, intraperitoneal). Body
temperature of the animals was maintained at 36.5-37.50 C
with the help of heating table and monitored using a rectal
sensor. Microsurgical introduction of the filament (Doccol,
USA) introduced into the left middle cerebral artery (MCA)
by Koizumi J. (1986) Method under an operatingmicroscope
(Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany). During the operation, tissue
blood flow was controlled by Lack-01 (LASMA, Russia).
The duration of circulatory disorders in the basin of the
left MCA (filamentous occlusion) in all cases was 30
minutes, then the filament was removed, and the time
of subsequent reperfusion was 48 hours. The experiment
used animals with a degree of blood flow reduction of
more than 70 % of the original and the restoration of blood
flow in the reperfusion period of more than 80 %. After
the operation, the animals kept in a warm box to maintain
body temperature until they came out of anesthesia.
Postconditioning was performed, starting from the first
minutes of reperfusion, by briefly clamping the femoral
artery on the symmetrical lower limb for 5 minutes 5 times
every hour. Analysis of plasma protein content ANXA5 and
SDC-1 analyzed by Enzyme-linked Immunoassay (ELISA)
using a set of reagents (RayBiotech, USA) at a wavelength
of 450nm on a flatbed spectrophotometer (Clariostar Plus,
: Analysis of plasma samples of animals with 30
min. ischemia showed the following results of the average
concentration of annexin molecules (ng / ml): 41.3 ± 2.3.
For animal plasma samples with 30 min. ischemia and
early distant ischemic postconditioning, this indicator was
(ng / ml): 42.1 ± 4.9. Analysis of animal plasma samples
from 30 min. ischemia showed the following results of
the average concentration of syndecan molecules (ng /
ml): 41.4 ± 3. For plasma samples of animals with 30 min.
ischemia and early distant ischemic postconditioning, the
indicated index was (ng / ml): 54.9 ± 6* (p < 0.05).
: In a situation of ischemic/reperfusion brain
damage, the syndecan molecule may be involved in
restoring the permeability of the Blood-brain barrier, while
annexin is a predictor of its damage. Both molecules are
likely are involved in the formation of brain edema.
Maria Kolpakova is currently working as a Head of Pathophysiology
Laboratory at Academic Institute for Biomedicine, Pavlov First Saint
Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russia She has
completed her Ph.D. at the Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical
University, St. Petersburg, Russia.