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Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience | Volume: 03
International Conference on
International Conference on
December 04-05, Dubai, UAE
Joint event on
J Neurol Clin Neurosci, Volume: 03
Effects of Oleuropein on Neuronal modulation
Aynur Müdüroglu Kırmızıbekmez
Nisantasi University, Turkey
eurodegeneration, which increases with aging,
decreases cognitive and motor function. Neuronal
death in neurodegenration is mostly caused by
neuroinflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction and
oxidative stress. Recently, many studies are concantrated
on slowing down, even stopping, the neurodegeneration
using different molecules. In addition, slowing the
neurodegeneration down has beneficial effects on learning
and memory. Importantly, recent studies on oleuropein
have shown that it has neuroporetective effects.
In this study, we investigated the efects of oleuropein on
different brain waves patterns. Effects of oleuropein with
dietary intake on neuronal modulation was studied on 12
subjects. EEG recordings of the voluntary subjects were
analysed using ASA software. Our results show that the
difference of alpha frequency magnitude between two
hemispheres has decreased, beta frequency magnitude
has decreased on the left hemisphere, theta frequency
magnitude has decreased on both hemispheres, gamma
frequency magnitude has sepecially decreased on right
hemisphere and the slowest wave, the delta wave,
frequency magnitude has significantly increased on both
hemispheres. When the overall brain activity is examined,
we identified a general decrease on brain wave frequencies.
Our results show that oleuropein may have anxiolytic
effects via change of neuronal modulation. Suppression
of slow waves may have effects on learning mechanism.
However, dose dependent increase of the anxiolytic effect
may act contrary and repress learning mechanisms.
Aynur Müdüroglu Kırmızıbekmez graduated from Istanbul University
Faculty of Science and Literature in 2005. In 2008, she received her
master's degree from the Department of Neuroscience, Istanbul
University Experimental Medicine Research Institutewith the thesis title
"Research on the relationship between atherosclerotic stroke formation
and interleukin 15 gene polymorphism". In 2013, she received her Ph.D
degree from the Experimental Medicine Research Institute Advanced
Neurological Science Program with the thesis title “Behavioral and
molecular investigation of the Interaction of Neuropeptide Y and
CART (Cocaine and Amphetamine Regulated Transcript) in the Central
Nervous System". Examination of neurodegenerative diseases at the
molecular level has taken place in many of her research projects,
including antiaging, learning and decision making mechanisms. She
has various scientific articles published on journals and presented on
scientific conferences and symposiums.