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Volume 3
Journal of Nursing Research and Practice
Nursing and Heart 2019
April 22-23, 2019
Nursing Education and Evidence Based Practice Conference
Heart Conference
April 22-23, 2019 Dubai, UAE
Evolution of surgical treatment of congenital arc hypoplasia and aortic coarctation in the Republican
Cardiology Center of Ufa
A R Sharafutdinov
, I E Nikolaeva
, V V Plechev
, D V Onegov
, R I Tuguzbaev
, E V Larionova
, M I Znobishcheva
Republican cardiology Center, Russian Federation
Bashkir state medical University, Russian Federation
The optimal surgical approach of correction of the aortic arch hypoplasia and coarctation is still controversial. Some authors prefer
to use a lateral thoracotomy and perform a various type of extended anastomoses. Other researchers believe that a more aggressive
approach has better results and prefer reconstruction of the aortic arch made from the median access using different types of perfusion
The purpose of this work was to systematize, develop tactics of surgical treatment and show the evolutionary approach in the
correction of congenital pathology of the aortic arch and its isthmus, depending on the severity of its hypoplasia and the patient's age.
The history of aortic coarctation surgery in the world begins on 19/10/1944 when C. Crafford first performed a resection with
anastomosis. In Russia, surgical treatment begins in 1955 – The first successful correction of the defect was performed by E N
The approach to the correction of the aortic arch evolved in the form of creating a radically extended anastomosis of the arch and
descending aorta from a central access (later we refused from this type of correction) and resection of the isthmus with aortic
reconstruction with an autopericardial patch under selective cerebral perfusion in neonates and infants. Among the patients beyond
infancywe came to conclusion that the ascending sliding arch aortoplasty had a better result and free fromusing of patches. Considering
the abundance of the above methods and their results, an algorithm has been developed for the surgical treatment of patients with
congenital aortic arch pathology: - newborns and infants - resection with aortic arch reconstruction with an autopericardial patch;
the older age group is the ascending sliding arch aortoplasty.
Artur Sharafutdinov is a surgeon, specialized at congenital heart diseases. Arthur takes an active role in identifying, preoperative management, and surgical
correction of CHD. Annually attends national and international conferessnces devoted to the issues of the CHD. Dr.Artur is one of leading specialists in the field
of care of patients with CHD in Ufa. He received the highest category due to specialty "cardiovascular surgery" in 2016. He annually performs about 90-100
procedures correction of congenital heart defects.
kavabunga@list.ruA R Sharafutdinov et al., J Nursing Research and Practice, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2632-251X-C3-008