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Volume 3
Journal of Nursing Research and Practice
Nursing and Heart 2019
April 22-23, 2019
Nursing Education and Evidence Based Practice Conference
Heart Conference
April 22-23, 2019 Dubai, UAE
Gugma sang isa ka iloy: The other end of parenting experience by Ilonggo mothers with empty nest
Louie P Hijalda
University of San Agustin, Philippines
Mention the term empty nest and one’s mind immediately conjures up a picture of an empty house. The mother-child
relationship has now evolved into that of an adult to adult relationship.For others, they feel that change is happening more rapidly
than ever before and further watching their youngest child move out of the house was difficult for mothers especially in letting go
and moving on.
Descriptive phenomenology of Husserl was used. The saturation point was based in the participant`s answer.
Purposeful sampling was utilized to select participants, informed consents were discussed and in-depth face to face semi-structured
interview was used. Colaizzi methodological approach was used for analysis. The anonymity and confidentiality of information was
Several themes and supports emerged in relation to their experiences. Emotional support in the provision of caring, empathy
and love; informational support by comparing their experiences to others and appraisal support from constant communication of
information that is relevant to self-evaluation. The participant’s spirituality was also well defined and had adjusted their selves very
The empty nest syndrome gave them mixed feelings and a challenge yet Illongga mothers accommodated themselves
with supports and resiliency to achieved condition of wellness in letting go and moving on.
Louie Pinuela Hijalda, Ph.D., RN, is currently a clinical instructor at the University of San Agustin, College of Health and Allied Medical Profession. A member of
the Department of Science and Technology – Western Visayas Human Resource Development Committee (DOST–WVHRDC) and University of San Agustin–
Research Ethics Review Committee
lhijalda@usa.edu.phLouie P Hijalda, J Nursing Research and Practice, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2632-251X-C3-008